Product documentation
Rental Management Miscellaneous charges

This topic describes the Miscellaneous Rental Charges functionality.  This functionality is a quick and easy way of adding extra charges (such as cleaning fees) or even for giving credits to customers.

Setup Rental misc. charge codes

To be able to use miscellaneous charges on a Rental order, the Rental misc. charge codes need to be set up first.

This is done via: Rental Management - HSO > Setup > Rental pricing > Rental misc. charge codes 

When creating a new code, the following fields need to be filled in:

Field Description

Select the type for this Rental miscellaneous charge code.

Amount: Select this option if the code is going to be used to debit/credit set amounts.

Days: Select this option if the code is goign to be used for debitting/crediting in days (based on a start and end date).

Name Type the name for the code.

Select if this rental code will be used to debit or credit the customer.

Credit: A negative charge will be created, meaning that the customer gets credited (the customer gets a discount).  

Debit: A positive charge will be created, meaning that the customer gets billed extra (the customer pays an additional amount).


This field only appears if the selected type is Days.

Select the daily rate type that is to be used when calculating the actual debit/credit amount based on the number of days.

Please note that pro-rated monthly, weekly, and pro-rated day rates do not calculate in combination with the misc. charges functionality, only the type daily does. Meaning: the system can calculate for any rental charge, but if you want to multiply with the number of days, you need a daily rate type in this setup.

Category Select the Project category that will be used on the created charge. The (project) category is mainly used for financial purposes, as the revenue account can be setup there. This field is mandatory.
Line property Select the line property for the that will be used on the created charge. Please make sure to select a billable property. This field is mandatory.
Item sales tax group Select the tax group that should be used for the charge if applicable. This field is optional.
New Use this button to add a new transaction text record.
Delete Use this button to delete an existing transaction text record.
Text Defaults to 'Misc. rental charges', please make sure to use this value. 
Selection key Shows the Rental misc. charge code this record is linked to.
Language Select the language for the record. Please make sure all relevant languages get their own record (for every Rental misc. charges code).

Type the text that will be displayed as the transaction text for the created charge (and that will also show on the project invoice).

It's possible to use the %-values that are displayed at the bottom of the transaction text section. For example: 'No charge from %1 until %2.' will display with the actually used dates on the (date type) charge. Note that all values can be used for both types of charges.


Add to order

Miscellaneous rental charges can be added to the Rental order in two places. They can be created from the Rental order header and from the Rental charges form. Both processes have the same result. The records are added to the miscellaneous rental charges list of the rental order and will create a rental charge. 

Rental order header

The Misc. rental charge can be created from the ribbon of the Rental order (both list and details). Navigate to:

Rental Management - HSO > Rental orders > All rental orders >Ribbon tab Invoice > Rental > Misc. rental charges 

Click 'New' to create a new Misc. rental charge record, a pane will open to select the transaction from the order that the charge applies to (the item number that was/will be charged). Select the line and click 'Ok', this will create the Misc. rental charge record. Fill in the following information on it:

The overview on the left side of the form shows the Misc. charge code, the name of the rental item and the start date time. Multiple charges can be setup using different periods and/or different rental items.


Rental charges form

The Misc. rental charge can be created from the Rental charges form. Navigate to:

Rental Management - HSO > Rental orders > All rental orders >Ribbon tab Invoice > Rental > Rental charges

Make sure to select the transaction in the middle section of the form that the Misc rental charge applies to and then use the button Misc. rental charges above the middle section. Click 'New' to create a new Misc. rental charge record. Fill in the following information on it:

The overview on the left side of the form shows the Misc. charge code, the name of the rental item and the start date time. Multiple charges can be setup using different periods and/or different rental items.


Additional feature

If for any reason the price is missing, the rental charge price can be picked up by the 'find' button behind the price field when using a Days type Misc charge code.


Calculation examples

Amount based miscellaneous charges

When adding an amount based Misc. rental charge, the system will not do any calculation with the price field but simply add or credit the amount filled in on the Misc. charge form as a Rental charge (depending on the credit/debit setting of the used code).

For example, if a price of $1200 is entered. It is added as a positive $1200 rental charge (debit code) or a negative -$1200 charge (credit code). 

Note that with the amount based Misc. rental charges the transaction text functionality can be used as well, including the start and end date time fields.

Result with daily code  

For a Days type Misc. rental charge, the rate in the amount section will either be filled from the setup or can be manually selected (make sure a daily type is used).

If the Start date time field is set to 25.12.2022 00:00h and the End date time is set to 31.12.2022 23:59h, with a manually filled in (adjusted) price of $ 100, then the daily rate calculates the amount. In this case it multiplies the number of days (7) with the $100 price = $700. This will be added as either a credit or debit charge depending on the credit/debit setting of the used code.

Make sure no exceptions have been setup on the calendar used, as exceptions will influence the calculation!